
Body image, feminism, and other things that get Brynne all riled up.

Once again, some articles trending on social media have stirred up the fires of indignation within me and I feel compelled to write about it. Are we surprised? No.
Once again, these things focus on women and body image. 
Why not beat the dead horse right? 
So. First item on the table is this article. 
This photographer was taking a series of self portraits (when it's your profession it's not just a 'selfie') and noticed people gawking at her in the background.  Not to let such injustice be left alone, she did another series to focus on the fact that people are mean and making fun of her behind her back. First of all. The people in those photos. Did she get them to sign a release stating that she could use their likeness? Unlikely. 
Now. I'm going to use this photo as an example. 
Yes. The lady on the right is side-eyeing her pretty good. BUT! Our photographer slash subject here is wearing BOWLING SHOES AS OUTDOOR FOOTWEAR! If you saw a Victoria's Secret model wearing bowling shoes in the street you'd side eye and be like "whaaaaa???" 
I myself have gawked at a man at the Poutinerie for wearing bowling shoes. I even took a stealth photo of his feet for showing my friends to mock. Seriously. 
Bowling shoes.
Also.  If you saw someone posing in front of a camera on a tripod, wouldn't you look? "Oh, I wonder what's going on there?"

But that's not my biggest issue with this whole article slash photo series.
My biggest issue is that they are implying that overweight women are the ONLY WOMEN who get judged on their appearance.
Just no.
EVERY WOMAN will, at some point in her lifetime, face judgement from an ignorant ass who doesn't know better.
Skinny women.
Overweight women.
Muscular women.
Pregnant women.
Disabled women.
Tall women.
Short women.
Young women.
Older women.
Women with facial piercings.
Women with visible tattoos.
Women with alternative hair colours.

It doesn't stop there.  All those categories but replace "Women" with "men"
Human beings are judgemental fools.
So it bothers me that she is victimizing herself and the category she has put herself in when it is a much broader issue, as well as being far more greyscale than the black and white it's painted in.

My second issue is with the "realistic" Barbie doll. This doll has the proportions of an average 19 year old girl, and comes with a sticker pack of "imperfections" including acne, cellulite, and stretch marks.
Gee whiz.

You know what would probably help with a young girls realistic body expectations and healthy body image, as well as self confidence more than a sticker pack to put on their barbies?


Cellulite is not an imperfection. It is collagen fibers in adipose tissue.
A stretch mark is not an imperfection. It is the reaction of skin cells to rapid growth.
Acne is not an imperfection.  It is clogged pores, and sometimes a hormonal reaction.

Implying that these things that happen normally are "imperfect" I believe is more damaging that giving a child a Barbie with an impossible figure and saying "This is a doll.  She is not real, and it's ok that you don't look like her because you aren't her. You look just like yourself and that is ok."

1 comment:

Jadis said...

I so wish I could 'like' this post so much! Since I can't, I'll say it! Brynne, I love you and your knowledge and open mind!

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