
Weight loss frustration...

I think that the most frustrating part of my whole weight loss journey, is that I am the only one to blame for not having any more success! I get so lazy about food! I am working crazy hours.  So I should be more focused on what I am eating, because working out and the gym aren't really options, because I am at work during the gym's open hours!
But no. I have been content to eat whatever crap they bring me. Getting in better shape doesn't work when you are having onion rings and chicken fingers twice a day!
So my goal going back after the two days off that I am having, is to work out a meal plan that I can pre-prep and take with me! I bought an eBook about macronurients, and I am going to apply that as best I can.
I've also got a weightlifting program that I am going to do until Devin and I buy a house; when that happens, I am gleefully returning to my beloved Beachbody at home workout programs. Chalene Johnson's newest program is released in June, it is a pilates/yoga fusion called PiYo that she has been offering as a class in gyms in the states for years and years.  I have always wanted to try it, ever since I read about it! So excited!

Now for the nitty gritty.  I haven't climbed on a scale in about two weeks.  Last time I did, I was back up to 165lbs. I'm willing to bet I am up another 3-5.  I won't weigh myself now because it's evening.  But it was definitely a slap in the face.

I have been hovering around 160lbs for so long.  For a few days I even dipped under and weighed in at 159lbs.

My goal is anywhere between 135lbs and 150lbs, simply because I have no way of knowing what my body will look like when I get there.
So, my goal is to eat sensibly, and to start going to the gym when my schedule allows.

In the next year and a half, I am a bridesmaid in August, September, and February, as well as my own wedding the following September!

I wanna feel fantastic, as well as be in the best possible shape of my life.

1 comment:

Jadis said...

I'm not sure what to say that's comforting or helpful, but I had to post because I am going through something similar. I've gotten down very close to my goal, but I have those last ten/fifteen pounds of baby weight that I just can't get rid of and the problem is, if I could stay away from any bad foods, I could do it, but I do like to eat, too! I wish food wasn't such a big issue, but I know that it can be overcome and you'll push past your obstacles, too! Plus, any picture I've seen you in, you look gorgeous, so there.

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